The Most Instagrammable Spots on Yale’s Campus

beinecke stacks

Both Charles Dickens and Mark Twain called Hillhouse Avenue the most beautiful street in America, but ask any Yale student who regularly walks through campus, and they’ll tell you that Hillhouse is not Yale’s only beautiful space. What follows is a photo journal of some of my and my friend’s objective opinions about Yale’s most instagrammable locations.

Old Campus

snowy entrance to old campus
The High Street entrance to Old Campus, with a dusting of snow. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

snowy trees
Old Campus has a vast courtyard filled with trees. Here, heavy snow falls and covers the sidewalks. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

entrance to old campus with fall trees
The Elm Street entrance to Old Campus, filled with trees transitioning into the fall. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

Your Residential College

Jonathan Edwards has a tulip endowment that pays for the courtyard’s beautiful flowers each spring. 

residential college courtyard
I smile in the Jonathan Edwards Courtyard, as the setting sun lights Harkness Tower ablaze. This is a classic photo spot!

residential college in the snow
A sidewalk connecting the different entryways in Jonathan Edwards College. 

Harkness Tower

mini snowman and harkness in the background
A mini snowman foregrounds a blistering Harkness. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

harkness among fall trees
From an Old Campus dorm room, Harkness Tower peeks out among the changing leaves. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

snowy harkness
Harkness stands amongst the falling snow. Like the Statue of Liberty, Harkness’s copper clock has shifted a minty shade of green. Taken by my friend, Steven Orientale ‘21.

The Libraries

snowy sterling library
Sterling Memorial Library covered in inches of snow. 

pillars inside of Sterling
An internal passageway in Sterling, with beautiful archways. The insides of Yale’s libraries have Instagrammable nooks of their own. 

Beinecke bookshelf
Inside the Beinecke Library, floors of rare books and manuscripts are protected by encased glass and the library’s gray-veined marble. Even before you get into the room to engage with the books, the library’s facade draws you in.  

The Yale Harvard Football Game

sign at football game that reads "tried to change my password to Harvard but Google said it's too weak"
A fellow Yalie shows his Harvard-Yale spirit

yalies pose among crowd
My friends and I pose among the crowd during the Game. 

football crowd
The Yale Bowl is packed with students and alumni all cheering Yale on. In 2019, Yale came back in double overtime to secure Yale’s win.