After six months in Oxford and a summer of working as a residential advisor for two high school programs, I am finally back at Yale - the final countdown has officially begun. On December 13th, I’ll be on a flight back home to California after finishing my undergraduate career here at Yale. I’ll soon be an official Yale graduate.
This is me, incredibly happy and smiling so big in front of the Radcliffe Camera, one of Oxford’s libraries, on my last day in Oxford.
It’s very bittersweet being back and knowing that this is my final semester. On one hand, I’m so grateful to get back to working at my favorite place on campus (the Yale University Art Gallery) and to see friends who I’ve missed dearly. I’ve loved grabbing meals at the various dining halls, studying at Common Grounds, and taking walks on Hillhouse Avenue. I’ve enjoyed being welcomed back into Yale life. But, at the same time, it is also sad knowing that this is my semester of “lasts”.
The last semester of enjoying concerts at Toad’s, the last time I’ll be living in a residential college, the last time I’m able to take courses on topics ranging from the history of art to women in politics. This will be the last time I am a Yale undergraduate student and quite possibly, a Yale student in general. As I’m hoping to pursue graduate studies elsewhere, I’m not certain how long it’ll be until I come back to Yale after leaving in December. It’s a surreal experience knowing that it may be years until you see a certain place or certain people again.
This was my view when approaching JFK airport on my way back to Yale.
As I enter this final chapter of my Yale life, I’m moving with patience and gratitude. With what feels like many approaching deadlines - final papers, senior thesis, moving out - it can feel like you’re drowning in assignments and things to do. But, I’ve learned that what is best for me is to simply become more patient with myself. Assignments will get done, deadlines will be met, and it’ll all be okay. Being more patient has allowed me to be in the moment. I’m enjoying every second of the day, cherishing the small and big memories I’m making. While I definitely still do keep track of assignments and work to turn them in on time, I am not rushing the process. I’m grateful to be here for one more semester, for one last time. Although I technically have already participated in graduation, there are a lot of goodbyes I still have to do and I’m not quite ready for that just yet.
So, for now, I’ll treat this semester like any other. I’m going to enjoy being in the company of people I adore and take in all the things only Yale can offer. Then, on December 13th, I’ll say my final goodbye to the place that has shaped me for the last two and half years.