The school you’re currently attending must submit the School Report Form, meaning, in this case, your new school. If you’re concerned that your new college counselor has not had enough time to get to know you, you may ask the counselor from your previous school to write a letter as well. We’ll also need a complete record of your grades from all years of high school. It’s helpful for us to see the exact grades you received. If your new school translates 80s and 90s from your old school into As and Bs on your transcript, please request that a transcript be sent to us directly from your old school as well. Because of the uncertainties of moving from one school to another, it’s probably not a good idea for senior-year transfers to file early applications. Our admissions committee, for example, may want to see grade reports for the first semester at the new school before making a decision. In most such cases, it’s better to apply Regular Decision.
If you submitted all required financial aid materials to Yale with your Early Action application, you’ll receive an estimated financial aid package at the same time as you receive your offer of admission. We will update this estimate and confirm your final aid package in early April.
If you’ve used Yale’s Single-Choice Early Action application, in mid-December you will receive one of three responses:
1. You are admitted to Yale
What this means: Congratulations! You have a place in Yale’s next freshman class. You may accept or decline the offer at any time before May 1.
2. A final decision on your application is deferred
What this means: We consider you a competitive candidate, but the admissions committee wants to see more work from your senior year and evaluate your credentials in the context of our Regular Decision pool of applicants. Unless you withdraw your application, you’ll automatically be reconsidered in our Regular Decision process.
3. Your application is denied
What this means: If your Early Action application is denied, you may not reapply for admission to Yale during the Regular Decision process this year.
When decisions become available, you will be able to retrieve your admissions decision on our website, using your Eli Account username and password.
Applying Single-Choice Early Action does not increase the likelihood of being admitted to Yale. Historically, the rate of admission among early applicants has been higher than the overall admission rate because many of our strongest candidates, from a wide range of backgrounds and interests, apply early. We therefore offer this advice: Apply for Single-Choice Early Action if you want to receive a decision in mid-December and you are confident of the credentials you will be presenting to the admissions committee early in your senior year. An Early Action applicant must meet the same criteria for admission as an applicant in the regular pool. A thoughtful college search and a careful assessment of your readiness to present a strong application as early as November 1, are key. Candidates who need more time, for whatever reason, will be better served by our Regular Decision process.