3. Residential College Master
Helpfulness rating: Invaluable
Each residential college has a head of organized events and student life, the residential college Master. In Trumbull we’re lucky to have Professor Margaret Clark. Master Clark is new this year, but she has hit the ground running with offering opportunities to Trumbull students. Last month she organized a sailing trip for us in Mystic, CT and I had a blast! She hosts fireside chats and guest speakers in her home for “Master’s Teas”, and joins us on the Trumbull College Council to help plan for college festivals, dances, and trips. We can’t get enough of this woman!
Pictured: Me on the Trumbull College sailing Trip.
4. Residential College Dean
Helpfulness rating: Off the Charts!
Master Clark’s partner-in-crime is the Trumbull College Dean, Jasmina Besirevic-Regan (Dean B.) and she’s the best! At the start of the year, Dean B. cleared up any of our academic questions about registration, adding/dropping classes, Credit/D/Fail, and anything else. But she’s not all business. Dean B. tags along on all of the Trumbull trips or social events, and eats in the dining hall with her daughters and husband, and she really enjoys getting to know students over meals.
Pictured Below: Dean B. (left) with Master Clark (right)