This past weekend many of my fellow Morsels and I braved the cold for a special free snowtubing trip to a nearby ski resort. Even with the added challenge of a broken ski lift, the trip was a super fun study break and a great bonding experience for the college community.
A Morse College Council meeting, which always has delicious free food each (see Insomnia Cookies on the table).
This event was a product of the Morse College Council. Each residential college has a college council elected by students to plan college-wide events. These councils have funds solely to plan heavily subsidized events and excursions. College councils are a great source of bonding activities like apple picking, trips to amusement parks (we go to Six Flags every year), and college formals which I covered in a previous blog.
Snowtubing was a great break from all the hard work associated with the start of the semester. The residential college system is one of my favorite parts of Yale, and these trips are the perfect encapsulation of the community that is built in our colleges. I’m very thankful for our active college council and their fabulous events!