What Are FroCos?

While most colleges have RAs that enforce the rules of residence halls, at Yale we have First-Year Counselors, otherwise known as FroCos. FroCos are seniors in your residential college who act as orientation leaders and student advisors for first-years. When I started college I was nervous about the transition from high school to college and having the FroCo system was super helpful to me especially during the first few weeks. Not only is it helpful to have someone available to answer questions and concerns, but the FroCo system also helped me adjust socially by introducing me to a small group of first-years in my college (my FroCo group) and providing opportunities to socialize with other first-years (duty). Since the FroCo system was and still is such an important part of my Yale experience, I talked to some FroCos and first-years to get their perspective on the FroCo program.

Jake: FroCo

Why did you become a FroCo: I became a FroCo because I was really excited to be a mentor to first-years and serve the Morse community. I could really empathize with the challenges that first-years go through when they come into college. Being away from home often for the first time, making new friends, and facing a huge new academic challenge can all be really overwhelming. I find it really rewarding to help people by empathizing with them and being present during challenging times. Also, as a transgender man, I have found it exciting to be a role model for LGBTQ+ students. I love all the Morse first-years, and it’s been one of the highlights of my Yale career to get to know them and serve as a FroCo.

What’s the best thing about the FroCo system: The best thing about the FroCo system is that there is so much opportunity for FroCos and first-years to connect daily and get to know each other really well. I saw my first-years for many hours a day during orientation, but I also continue to see them around Morse, in the dining hall, and at duty nights. I love hearing about how their classes are going and seeing their interests develop. I also have gotten to see first-years make friends and build  community in Morse. Since I see my first-years all the time, it is easy to be available to answer questions and support them in any situation. The foundation of the FroCo system is in the connections that FroCos and first-years build and the fun they have together.

Johnny: FroCo

Why did you become a FroCo: I became a FroCo because I’m passionate about mentoring and felt as though I both had a lot to offer incoming first years and a lot to learn from them. I think my experience in my first three years of college equipped me with valuable insights on how to approach Yale and how to make the best out of the college experience which I was eager to share with them, but I also wanted to learn from their backgrounds and experiences.

What’s the best thing about the FroCo system: The best thing about the FroCo system at Yale is how close it brings the first years and the frocos. I love always seeing the first years around my college and I really cherish the FroCo-first year community we’ve fostered.

Keeley: First-Year

Tell me about your FroCo and the benefits of the FroCo system: The FroCo system is such a key part of the first year experience because you are not only introduced to fifteen other students in your college right away, but you also have the opportunity to learn from a senior who is willing to help with whatever comes up. My Froco has continued to check in throughout the year and has been an awesome resource as I navigate my first year of college.


Mary: First-Year

Tell me about your FroCo and the benefits of the FroCo system: My FroCo Jillian has been such a great person to have on campus since day one. She’s a chemical engineer, which was all the more helpful for me as a biomedical engineering major. Her knowledge and experience made her advice so valuable for me as I considered balancing my workload and extracurriculars. The FroCos host duty a few nights a week when we can come hang out with FroCos and other first years. Each duty has fun snacks and themes, too! During our first week here, duty was one of the highlights of my nights and I met some of my really good friends there. While the FroCo system is meant to connect first years with seniors who can guide them through their time at Yale, it’s also a fantastic way to get to know the other people within my residential college.

Personally, I’ve reached out to my FroCo for everything from help scheduling my classes to information about receiving packages; it’s really great to know that there’s someone there for me to answer all types of questions. Another helpful part of the FroCo system is that we have access to not just the FroCo assigned to us, but also the whole team of FroCos in our residential college. This means that there is a whole team of students dedicated to looking out for us both academically and socially. I think the FroCo system is one of the best parts of the way that Yale welcomes us to campus and I’m so thankful for the way the system has helped me adjust to college.