Another blog I previously wrote dealt with how I have taken advantage of traveling internationally through Yale University. However, whether for class or with friends, I have been able to make several trips around the East Coast. This has included visiting different hometowns or baby road trips. I have listed my top five trips through Yale in the United States:
1. My two Boston Harvard-Yale Adventures- technically this is two trips, but I have really enjoyed driving up with friends to get ready for the annual Harvard-Yale Game. It’s fun to see all of the years of alumni represented, because I know that I will continue to return as well to grill hotdogs and sing Yale fight songs. It’s also a fun weekend in Boston right before Thanksgiving.
2. Book of Mormon NYC trip- I have been able to attend opera at the Met, Hair and Rent through my residential college, but my expedition to New York last Saturday for Book of Mormon was especially memorable. The composer of the show, Roger Lopez, actually attended Yale himself. I thought the show was very funny, and I was also able to see it opening weekend. The reason this trip was different is that my master came and bought us all deli sandwiches after. He had invited a professor of new American Religions who was able to address the accuracy of the show on the drive back.
3. LIC- Study of the City- My Study of the City class had to complete an affordable housing simulation game where we had to pick sites in Long Island City, create a Request for Proposal, and formulate a budget for the model. In order to pick sites, our class took the train in to New York and was able to appraise sites in Long Island City just as if we were developers.
4. Boston for Dance Trip I took an Advanced Dance Repertory Class with Emily Coates, a veteran of the American Ballet Theater Company last year. The class consisted of learning the original choreography of a Twyla Tharp and Yvonne Rainer dance. At the end of the class, we traveled to Harvard to present our work with Harvard, Brown and Yale dancers.
5. Inauguration with Obama Two years ago, I joined a group of students traveling on a train trip to go to Washington D.C. for President Barack Obama’s inauguration. The best part of the trip was running into other Yalies from different student groups everywhere I was on the Washington Mall. I had taken part in some of the phone banks during the Presidential campaign, and this was a great culmination of those efforts.