20 Things I Miss About School when I’m Home

Hello from California! This is my first blog dispatch from my sunny hometown of Palo Alto. I am DONE with my finals and halfway through my sophomore year. As you can tell, I love going home. Breaks always seem to come at just the right time for me. But I do really miss Yale while I’m away. Obviously, I could also write a blog called 20 Things I Miss about Home while I’m at School, but that would primarily be the names of people and foods. So let’s do the reverse–when I’m at home, what am I schoolsick for?

1. My friends

2. Being around my friends 24/7

3. Staying up really really late and talking about nothing

4. The way Harkness Tower looks against the sky on a totally clear day

5. Relatedly, the regal sound of the bells every hour, occasionally to the tune of the Game of Thrones theme song or “Bad Romance.” (Thanks, Carolliouners!)

6. Bread rolls from Clare’s

7. Passing people you know on the street and making a face at them (friendly)

8. Passing people you know on the street and making a face at them (mysterious)

9. On winter nights, the lights in the towers make everything look like a gingerbread campus. 

Franklin College glowing cozily in the distance

10. Meals that last three hours because no one wants to start work

11. Snow that goes whump against my window and scares me

12. Cobblestones

13. The dining halls’ mango-passionfruit-guava juice

14. Rehearsals for improv and sketch

15. Being forced to read really good books

16. A constant and unending supply of breakfast potatoes

17. My professors telling me to chill out

18. Free coffee

19. Never having to worry about what to wear because I only own one coat that’s warm enough.

20. My cozy room and the child’s play tent I bought from Target for visitors to sleep in

Things I Don’t Miss about School when I’m at Home

1. I got Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at school :(