At the very start of my first year at Yale, I got some great advice. On the way back from my FOOT trip (First-Year Outdoor Orientation Trips) on the Appalachian Trail, my two group leaders told everyone to download Snackpass - an app that lets you order food from local restaurants and skip the line when it’s ready. And then they battled for our attention to try to get us to use their referral codes.
Snackpass was founded by Yalies in 2016 and has since expanded to campuses across the country. The app is simple and is enhanced by pop-up discounts and the fact that you can send “gifts” to friends after you purchase food. The more gifts you accumulate as a duo, the closer you get to going from an “egg” to hatching a “chick,” which unlocks discounts and free food. Although I’ve only taken one pure math class at Yale, but I think Snackpass’ system of gifts adding up to a chick is pretty solid.
For example, my friend Eric always sends me a gift when he orders some funky chicken thing called a Wenzel at Alpha Delta Pizza after his acapella group forces kindly suggests that he buy them every couple of weeks (per tradition). It doesn’t matter that I’ve never been to Alpha Delta Pizza, and don’t know where it is; I sleep well at night knowing that we are just TWO purchases away from getting a free something-or-other with our next order! Other Snackpass relationships are more balanced in terms of cuisine and economy. My friend Meggie and I have two chicks born at G-heav and Book Trader Cafe and are on our way to a third!
I could go on and on about how the ease of Snackpass has led to me consuming more hot chocolate than I should, and how its Friend Feed of gifts your friends have recently sent and received is a form of wealth signaling. But for now, just know that it’s a super convenient way to get your Mexican movie night spread, your bacon-egg-and-cheese after a night out, and your dining hall meal replacement when you just aren’t feeling like partaking in Ancient Grains again. Of course, I have to say, I am perfectly content with dining hall food most of the time. One of the great things about Snackpass is how well it blends into a meal plan. You can have almost all of your meals in the dining halls and still benefit from a discount here and there on the app for coffee and snacks at local eateries.
It’s also pretty cool that Snackpass was founded by Yalies who graduated not so long ago. The app has since been backed by firms like Andreesen Horowitz and gone through a round of Y-Combinator, a start-up incubator known for cultivating the likes of Airbnb and Dropbox. If you’re looking for a way to get ready for college besides shopping for twin-XL sheets, download Snackpass! (And please use my referral code: julia129)