Any Doctor Who fans out there?

A snow sculpture of a Dalek from "Doctor Who".

Along with pretty much every other city in the US, New Haven got a big dump of snow the other day, almost 19 inches.  I had the most amazing snow day with work and class canceled; I just played touch football in the snow, aka “Tundraball”, on the sprawling New Haven Green for hours. (Rules: 2 hand touch OR 4 second bear hug, which very quickly devolved into tackling because the snow was such soft powder.)

Some students used their time differently - one group even made a nigh-flawless recreation of a Darlek, one of the recurring villains from my new favorite TV series Doctor Who.  I had some oral surgery over break, which left me fairly catatonic for a while as I recovered, so I finally started the show that so many of my friends have been talking about… I might have watched four seasons in a week?  Oops.  But its cool to see how other people share my excitement and express it in snowman form.

Photo courtesy of my friend Jimin He, with more background story here in the Yale Daily News.