The Veritas Search?

Nicolas Cage on the promotional poster for National Treasure film franchise holding a torch.

On a random Thursday this semester, I received an email I thought had to be fake. It was from a random Yale-affiliated email, and although the presentation of the message looked convincing enough, its content spoke of something that surely could not be real.

Screenshot of the email from Veritas Search, outlining what it is with text and a small image of a map
A screenshot of the email.

The email said that there were 10 “capsules” hidden around Yale’s campus, and that those who find these capsules will be granted exclusive rewards. Umm, can somebody say Da Vinci Code?  Ready Player One? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? What do you mean there are capsules hidden around “campus” and that special “rewards” will be given to those who find them??

Miley Cyrus staring into the camera with her soul
Me trying to decipher it all.

Inquiring further, their website claimed that the capsules and their rewards were “open to all current Yale undergraduates,” and that, “any location on campus accessible to undergraduates during standard business hours is fair game.” HUH?

Another part of their website showed the prizes, which later increased in number when they added 6 more capsules. Prizes included personal meetings with Jodi Foster or Tom Steyer, a dedicated tree planting on campus, a personal painted portrait session, or a night at the Yale Club of New York City.

Screenshot of six of the rewards from the Veritas Search Website.
A screenshot of some of the prizes on the website.

Eventually seeing a Yale Daily News article corroborating the website and its alleged hunt, it became evident that this capsule search was no farce. Two Yale undergrads had organized the event for quite some time before sending out the emails, being backed by Yale College and numerous other schools and groups. On their website, the two students say, “we hope this offers something fresh and exciting to instill a sense of wonder as you progress through daily life on campus.”

As I write this blog, all of the capsules have been found and the winners are in the process of receiving their prizes. Although I didn’t find any of the capsules (apparently, I have to look beyond my suite and friends’ apartments), the fact this event even happened in the first place is so enchanting. For those who searched and won, I can only imagine the real-life mystery novel they were experiencing. I, on the other hand, almost let it go to spam.