For improv groups, touring is one of the most wonderful times. It’s where all the inside jokes are formed, where all the adventures are had, and when our newest performers finally start to feel like seasoned members.
On tour, we perform really anywhere from schools to retirement homes to professional theatres, and we use the money we make from these gigs to fund our travel and lodging. And it affords us the opportunity to travel all around the country! In my time, I’ve toured in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and …. Hawaii!
But what exactly does a tour look like?
My sophomore year, I served as the tour manager for JAW’s Winter Tour to Los Angeles, which means that I booked every show, planned every activity, and organized every logistic! To give you all a better idea of exactly all that goes down in this fun-filled week, here’s a high-light reel of our itinerary!
Everybody flies into LAX
We move into our sweet Airbnb, our new home for the week
All relax with a classic LA dinner of In-And Out
Warner Brothers Studios Tour
Family Dinner at my house
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Rehearsal with a USC improv team
All-day workshops at Jserra High School
Beach time
Joint-show with USC
After-party at USC
Shows at Laurel Hall Elementary and Middle School
Free day—relax!
Workshop at Marlborough Middle and High School
Trip to Santa Monica Pier
Show at Archer School for Girls
Joint-show with UCLA
After Party at our house
Free day in Downtown LA!
Tour of the Broad Museum
Lunch in Grand Central Market
With all of this on the docket, our tours are certainly jam packed! It’s a lot of improv, a lot of sight-seeing, and a whole lot of bonding. To me, these tours are some of the best weeks of my college career. It’s honestly crazy. We literally get to travel around the country …. to make people laugh! Not a bad gig at all!